Impact Investment in Leadership

Israel Education, Israel Studies and Israel Advocacy must be integrated into A Continuum of learning and engagement – an Israel Continuum.  Young people are sophisticated, they are inquisitive, and they are thirsty for purpose and responsibility.  At the Alexander Muss High School in Israel student surveys reflect a positive reaction to our students’ opportunity to be independent,…

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Keeping it positive, Positively Israel

JNF’s Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI) is proud to announce that it will be hosting its largest Spring Semester session in its 43 year history with 61 students attending the 4 month, full semester.  The Spring sessions will total 314 students, including Day School and Communal partners. Never have so many students registered…

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Continuous Revelation: Transforming tomorrow’s generation today

Transmission of Jewish continuity and Israel connectivity does not take place in the formal classroom setting on its own.  Israel and Jewish education must include an experiential component; it is through experientialism that our children explore and discover meaning that they can connect to.  Transmission to the recipient in a more practical – less theoretical…

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Who is a righteous person, a tsadik?

So who is a righteous person, a tsadik? Is one born a righteous person? Or does one evolve to become – a righteous person? Was it Noah? Abraham? Two weeks ago we read about Noah, and that he was a righteous man – within his generation; well what does that tell us about Noah? After…

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On this day, what would Dr. Martin Luther King say? Dream on.

In 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shared his dream that “…this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: …that all men are created equal.” Dr. King’s dream extended beyond healing African-American suffering; his vision included “…all men…” society as a whole. Seventy years earlier, in 1895, Theodor Herzl…

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