We just finished off the High Holy Day Marathon, prayed, cried, laughed, reflected, ate, fasted and of course repented… Are we done yet? Think again, Sukkot is upon us. One of three festivals (Passover & Shavuot), reflecting historical, agricultural, and mystical significance.
Rabbi Eliezer explains that the Sukkah mentioned in the Torah, the Bible, (Leviticus 23:43) were Ananei Kavod, clouds of divine glory that hovered over the Israelites as they made their way through the wilderness at Sinai. Rabbi Akiva speaks of Sukkot mamash, an actual physical sukkah – one the Israelites dwelt in throughout their journey in Sinai.
Today we follow Rabbi Akiva, after all it is what we do, eat and dwell in the Sukkah. And yet today, sitting in the Sukkah has ever more significance for us and our generation. As we experience humility in the face of great change in our society, sitting in the sukkah is a reminder of all that we have – a roof over our heads, warmth and comfort, food on our table, and pretty much everything we need (& probably want).
Having gone through the Days of Awe (Rosh HaShanna – Yom Kippur), let us not forget all that we prayed for, all that we hope for; during this Holy Day period, let’s think of all that we are thankful for, all that we have, and let us pray for those who do not have…
In peace and blessings –
Happy Holy Day