
Keeping it positive, Positively Israel


JNF’s Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI) is proud to announce that it will be hosting its largest Spring Semester session in its 43 year history with 61 students attending the 4 month, full semester.  The Spring sessions will total 314 students, including Day School and Communal partners. Never have so many students registered for a single semester (Fall or Spring!).  How wonderful it is that such a statement can be made today with all the focus on negative messaging and headlines found in main stream media.

At a time uncertainty, there is a success story inspiring the lives of people across the globe – it is Israel.

Here at AMHSI we do just that; we empower our students, our next generation, to discover their own entry point to the beautiful and inspiring, complex narrative of our people joining past, present, and future.   It is through the study of our narrative that we uncover our people’s shear resilience and perspective on life.  Innate to the Jewish DNA, we have been raised to see life and our world filled with infinite potential, with opportunity – and not tragedy.  Existing with one foot in “the world as it is” while the other in “the world as it should be” frees us from the distractions of our material world allowing us to dream of, and aspire towards, a better world.

This approach to positive perspectives leads to positive outcomes.  It’s having a winning attitude that drives us to be bold and innovative, dedicated and inspired to dream.  The same can be said for successful sports teams, corporations, and causes.   Zionism, for example, is a successful cause, perhaps the most successful in organized human history; after all, the movement ended 2,000 years of wandering reuniting a people with their homeland.

For over 100 years the Zionist manifestation has been supported by a multitude of organizations, led by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), and through the JNF’s purpose driven mission we celebrate Israel’s accomplishments with an eye towards what tomorrow could bring if only we dare to dream.  JNF’s highlighted Positively Israel campaign is just an example of all there is to celebrate, and with a click of a button you too can discover all that Israel does to make our world better.

The Alexander Muss High School in Israel’s role is anchored in its pedagogical approach to teen immersion and the academic study of history.  With a proven track record servicing over 24,000 alumni throughout its 43 years of existence – AMHSI is making a tremendous impact.  As pioneer of the High School in Israel semester abroad market, AMHSI continues to dream big, planning an even greater global impact bringing Jewish youth from around the world, ensuring our next generation’s collective link to Jewish continuity and Israel connectivity.

We are a resilient people; our next generation must know this.  As JNF-AMHSI continues to get the good word out there, we look forward to celebrating and welcoming our largest session in history.  To our students, families, friends and supporters, the message is clear – Am Yisrael Chai.

For more information please visit our website: www.amhsi.org or contact info@amhsi.org

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Leor Sinai

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