Community Update: Rabbi Leor Sinai US Speaking Tour

By Leor Sinai | January 25, 2024

Rabbi Leor Sinai, US Speaking Tour   Rabbi Leor Sinai is a Global Speaker, Education Diplomacy Thought-Leader, and long-time Zionist…

On MLK Day: Zionism and Tikun Israel

By Leor Sinai | January 15, 2024

In 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shared his dream that “…this nation (US) will rise up and live out…

Strength in Unity

October 7th 2023, When Everything—And Nothing—Changed.

By Leor Sinai | December 5, 2023

It’s taken me a couple of months to write about this War of Iron Swords. I keep asking myself: What…

Israel Advocates or Education Diplomats?

By Leor Sinai | December 28, 2022

The field of teen immersive experiences in Israel is undergoing a transformation not seen since the introduction of Israel Advocacy…


By Leor Sinai | September 16, 2009 |

The Jewish Lens announced today the hiring of Rabbi Leor J. Sinai as its first Executive Director. The Jewish Lens is a non-profit educational organization that uses the photography of Zion Ozeri as a stimulus for exploring Jewish values, identity, and tradition. The ground-breaking curriculum program has been taught in more than 100 educational institutions…

Tough Decisions…

By Leor Sinai | September 8, 2009 |

Tradition teaches us that Moses ascended onto Mount Sinai on the first of Elul, forty days later the People of Israel received the Torah. Throughout these forty days the Israelites’ faith was tested, their level of spiritual connectivity and faith weakened by their unanswered cries to Moses and to God – in a way mirroring…

Sh’lach L’cha (Numbers 13:1)

By Leor Sinai | June 19, 2009 |

Send yourself forth. A year ago this week’s Torah portion Sh’lach L’cha (Numbers 13:1) was my younger son, Cahlev Aharon’s Brit Milah. I dedicate these words to him and all of our children as they begin to crawl, walk, and at the blink of an eye – send themselves forth. The Torah portion describes the…

A time for reflective liberation – Happy Passover!

By Leor Sinai | April 8, 2009 |

Today, Jews from New York to Jerusalem and across the world, have their eye on the next few hours. It is around this time of the year that we go through old items, consider opportunities, conduct some spring cleaning around the house, and look forward to the changing of the seasons. Pesach, Passover, is on…

Self Reflection

By Leor Sinai | February 18, 2009 |

The vision I have of the rabbinate has grown out my diverse upbringing and exposure to Jewish life in the United States and Israel. Judaism and Israel have always played a role in my life and influenced my decision making process. As a child I attended a Hebrew Day school and was involved in other…

Happy Tu B’shvat – 5769

By Leor Sinai | February 9, 2009 |

In the midst of environmental, financial, and political uncertainties – today is Tu B’shvat – the New Year of the Trees. It is a time when vegetation all around is awakening from dormancy, shaking off the dust and beginning to stretch, mother earth is preparing herself for another cycle of creation and life. It’s nothing…