On MLK Day: Zionism and Tikun Israel

By Leor Sinai | January 15, 2024

In 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shared his dream that “…this nation (US) will rise up and live out…

Strength in Unity

October 7th 2023, When Everything—And Nothing—Changed.

By Leor Sinai | December 5, 2023

It’s taken me a couple of months to write about this War of Iron Swords. I keep asking myself: What…

Israel Advocates or Education Diplomats?

By Leor Sinai | December 28, 2022

The field of teen immersive experiences in Israel is undergoing a transformation not seen since the introduction of Israel Advocacy…

On Passover – What is YOUR why?

By Leor Sinai | April 15, 2022

Duality and contradictions are found throughout the Torah, in Jewish life, and Israel’s existence as a people and a nation-state. The…

Relationships, Relationships, Relationships

By Leor Sinai | January 10, 2013 |

I was blessed to take part in a very important inniative called “Caravan for Democracy”. It is a project launched by the Jewish National Fund and a

Why does Tikun Israel precede Tikun Olam?

By Leor Sinai | December 18, 2012 |

I was recently asked at a talk that I gave why I emphasize the need for Tikun Israel to precede Tikun Olam. Here is part of my answer to the question: “Rav Salantar taught – first one fixes his house, then his community, then the world, and so on… I am extremely proud of the…

The World As It Should Be?

By Leor Sinai | November 26, 2012 |

The world as it should be? Now how you gonna do that? Last week’s Torah portion describes Jacob’s dream (you know, the one with the ladder): “And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of Gd ascending and descending…

Live Debate: 2 Israelis & 2 Palestinian Gazans (Part 1)

By Leor Sinai | November 22, 2012 |

As yesterday’s bus bombing in Tel Aviv unfolded, I was asked by a friend who works for Sky News to provide an eyewitness account of the events as they took place. I was then asked to take part in a live debate. The debate included 2 Israelis & 2 Palestinians (living in Gaza). It was interesting,…

להיות או לא להיות? הרשות בידינו!

By Leor Sinai | September 16, 2012 |

“רְאֵה נָתַתִּי לְפָנֶיךָ הַיּוֹם, אֶת-הַחַיִּים וְאֶת-הַטּוֹב, וְאֶת-הַמָּוֶת, וְאֶת-הָרָע.” (דברים ל:טו) – הרמב”ם בהלכות תשובה פרק ה’ הלכה א’ מסביר: “הרשות לכל אדם נתונה אם רצה להטות עצמו לדרך טובה ולהיות צדיק הרשות בידו, ואם רצה להטות עצמו לדרך רעה ולהיות רשע הרשות בידו.” בראש השנה עלינו להחליט לאיזה כיוון אנו הולכים? נכון שאנחנו מבקשים סליחות,…

ואהבת לרעך כמוך – Love your neighbor as yourself

By Leor Sinai | August 29, 2012 |

“ואהבת לרעך כמוך” הוא פסוק בתורה, מצווה ומושג יסוד, לדעת חכמי ישראל לדורותיהם. משמעותו היא שהאדם צריך לאהוב את הזולת כשם שהוא אוהב את עצמו. מכלל זה נגזרים דרכי התנהגויות רבות, שבגללן חכמי המשנה התייחסו אליו כאל כלל מרכזי וחשוב בכל התורה. זה הזמן בחודש אלול לקראת ימי ראש השנה ויום כיפור שעלינו להתייחס אחד…