Am Yisrael Chai: It’s not a slogan, it is a way of life
I remember growing up as a kid in Brooklyn singing the Am Yisrael Chai chant, we’d sing it with great excitement and with great pride. And then I remember myself as a young adult, growing into my career as a professional Jew working for various nonprofits, always ending my talks, and my social media posts,…
Tikun Israel precedes Tikun Olam
A New-Old Approach At this very moment Am Yisrael finds itself at an intersection of existential proportions. October 7th, 2023…
Movement of The People
What was once “Never Again”, is happening again except this time around it is different. Unlike our ancestors who confronted humanity’s worse for 2,000 years, 1948 ushered in a new reality—Israel. The manifestation of the age-old dream to return and be free in our home, l’hiyot am chofshi b’artzeinu, is a game changer and we are holding on for dear life.
Community Update: Rabbi Leor Sinai US Speaking Tour
Rabbi Leor Sinai, US Speaking Tour Rabbi Leor Sinai is a Global Speaker, Education Diplomacy Thought-Leader, and long-time Zionist…
On MLK Day: Zionism and Tikun Israel
In 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shared his dream that “…this nation (US) will rise up and live out…
So, a kid comes back from a trip to Israel and is expected to know it all? Be an advocate? How? And why? We have committed such a disservice to our kids, putting them on the frontline to fight for our right to exist, to carry the weight of 2,000 years of exile, when they themselves don’t…
The Abraham Accords have produced a whole new world many of us could have only dreamed of. Indeed, there are political and business benefits that will be gained, but more importantly there is a movement of the people – a social group – with an eye to the future. Individual conversations and group forums have…
Through a talk show style presentation, conference attendees explored how Jewish National Fund has the unique ability to connect American Jews to engage with Israel from a very young age all the way through to their adult years and beyond.
A former New York City club promoter, Rabbi Leor Sinai talks fast and thinks ever faster. His energy is high octane but his wisdom is firmly grounded. His passion for Israel is palpable. And he’s parlayed that passion into his position as the co-CEO of the dynamic and successful Jewish and Israeli educational programs at Alexander…
When I was growing up in New York I had all kinds of neighbors, all kinds of friends. There was my Russian-American friend, my Italian-American, Chinese-American, Polish-American, Irish-American and Afro-American, friends. They knew who they were and from where their ancestors came. So I ask: why are you a Jewish-American? Now please don’t get upset…
Jewish National Fund-USA’s (JNF) Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI-JNF) is in the midst of a banner year, with our Hod HaSharon campus at capacity this spring. I’ve been shouting it from the rooftops for years to anyone who would listen: American and global Jewish youth are craving an immersive Israel experience for high school students, and…